
Friday, September 17, 2010

Going Back in Time

If you think traffic is bad back home, it's nothing compared to Morgantown, West Virginia, or Chillicothe, Ohio! The traffic lights are all out of sync, so whole lines of cars sit through five and six light changes without going anywhere.

Hopewell Mounds mark the site of
ancient Indian burials.
After our longest driving day yet, we
relished a few hours of exploring several ancient Hopewell Indian sites and strolling among the mounds. Archaeologists must find it fascinating to piece together all the relics recovered from the ruins, usually thought to have religious, ceremonial and social purposes, as well as being the burial places of a few cremated bodies of an ancient and highly civilized people.

"I'd like to be a lady bug on the wall for a few hours in those early times and observe life," I told Andy as we walked.
"Really? I'd rather see the future," he suggested.

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